LOA's story in short

After five years of restoration, the barquentine LOA returned to sea: In November 2007, the ship was named and launched; in November 2008, the final mast was erected, and on Sunday 28 June 2009, LOA left its home port of Aalborg bound for Gdynia and The Tall Ships Race 2009.

LOA - the largest restoration project of its kind in Denmark for decades - is the result of the enthusiasm of around 100 volunteers and a few good professional craftsmen.

LOA is Denmark's only remaining three-masted clipper, it is Denmark's only barquentine - and the Danish Ship Preservation Trust has characterised it as a vessel worthy of preservation due to its importance for the general understanding of Danish maritime culture.

Everyone is welcome to sail on board LOA as long as they are members of the LOA Sailing Team. However, for a large part, the vessel concentrates on young people from 12 years of age, not least as it serves as a sail training vessel.

LOA, proudly owned by the Tall Ship Aalborg Fund, holds a prestigious position as Denmark's third Class A ship, following the full-rigged ships DANMARK and GEORG STAGE. This is a testament to our commitment to excellence in sailing.

LOA participates in national and international sailing events such as the Tall Ships Races, Limfjorden Rundt (Around the Lim Fiord), and Fyn Rundt (Around Funen).  

LOA was built as a three-masted schooner in Svendborg, Denmark, in 1920-1922. It was active as a cargo vessel until 1972 when it was sold to a private owner who wanted to turn it into a pleasure craft. However, he ran out of energy, as did others trying to restore LOA. By 1992, the vessel was taken over by the sea scouts FDF Aalborg Søkreds, the owners of the vessel JENS KROGH - and in 2002, LOA was donated to the present owner. 

The home port Aalborg was host of The Tall Ships Races in 1999, 2004, 2010, 2015, 2019 and 2022 - and will be again in 2026.

Among the hundreds of supporters are The Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik Foundation, The King Frederik and Queen Ingrid Foundation, Siemens Wind Power, The City of Aalborg, The Danish Outdoor Council, The Danish Ship Preservation Trust, The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, The Ministry of Education, The Spar Nord Foundation, Thrane & Thrane, Aalborg Industries, Aalborg Portland and Aalborg University.